Meet the Professor
Mailey E. McLaughlin, M.Ed. is a Certified Dog Trainer Advanced/Professional Dog Training Instructor (CDT/CDTA/PDTI) through the International Association of Canine Professionals, where she is a Professional member, served on the Board of Directors for 7 years, and was Editor of the IACP magazine the Canine Professional Journal for 12 years.
She has been working with people and their pets for over 40 years, taught classes professionally for 20 years, and was the Atlanta Humane Society Behavior & Training Manager until 2021. She built the Atlanta Humane Society’s training program from the ground up and operated it on wait-list status, teaching Basic and Intermediate group classes and private lessons, for 21 years. She has lots of experience working with shelter dogs and their owners, who she likes as much as the dogs. She believes training should be fun, fair, and results-oriented. Mailey is devoted to improving the relationship between pets and owners through calm, positive communication, not dominance. Since there is no “one right way” to train every dog, Mailey continues to educate herself professionally and has cultivated many approaches to problem-solving.
In her spare time, Mailey, a native Atlantan with a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s degree in Education from Georgia State University, enjoys recreational tree climbing, recreational softball, bowling, camping, hiking, reading, and writing. She is an ordained wedding officiant, a Living Funeral practitioner, and she is currently pursuing a degree in Funeral Service which will lead to her becoming a licensed funeral director by 2024. She and her wife of 22 years currently own 3 Chihuahua-style dogs.

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