Helping You Build a Solid, Lasting Relationship With Your Dog
The Pooch Professor is committed to finding the tools and method(s) which will give you the best possible relationship with your canine family member. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Geographic areas vary; look here for trainers or other pet professionals in your local area NOTE: This list is by no means all-inclusive. If you like what you see, by all means, find out more about the particular trainer! If not, keep searching. Finding the right trainer for you.
Dog Resources
- Chicago Dog Trainer Bartlett, IL
- City Dawgs – Florida Dog Trainer Montverde, FL
- Georgia Dog Gym Rome, GA
Humane Societies/Shelters
- Animal Humane Society Minnesota – cares for more than 2,000 companion animals in need and helps thousands more through programs for people and pets.
- Animal Shelter Denver Dumb Friends League Denver is an animal shelter that rescues animals & offers animal adoption.
- Atlanta Humane Society Helping Atlanta pets through pet rescue services
- Canine Good Citizen Testing I perform this test periodically; contact me if you’d like test dates and times
- Dog Friendly Places to vacation with your pooch
- Dog Owner’s Guide Online Dog Magazine
- Dog Play Kids and Dogs Information and Resources
- Hike With Your Dog Helping you find a tail-friendly trail
- Love the Outdoors Hiking with your dog outdoors
- My Smart Puppy Message Board
- All Greatful Dogs Mesa, AZ
- Care Dog Training Carpentersville, IL
- Chicago Dog Trainer Bartlett, IL
- City Dawgs – Florida Dog Trainer Montverde, FL
- Daniel’s Dogs Bethesda, MD
- Georgia Dog Gym Rome, GA
- Haggerty Dog Training Midland Park, NJ
- Jabula Dog Academy Decatur, GA
- Precision K-9 Boise, ID
- Puppy Manners Online Seattle, WA
- Southeast K9 Douglasville, GA
- The Well Mannered Dog Long Island, NY

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